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Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.

Setting Up

Setting up Tailwind CSS for your project inherently depends on your web framework, notably where your CSS static files will be. However, I will provide an example set up guide for you to have a base on. Ensure you have Node.js installed or the standalone CLI installed in your PATH.


This guide assumes:

  • Your Python source code is in a folder called app
  • Your input CSS file at app/css/base.css
  • Your static directory is at app/static
  • The output file will be at app/static/style.css
  1. Install Tailwind CSS
    npm install -D tailwindcss  # Skip if you already use the CLI
    npx tailwindcss init  # Use just tailwindcss if you use CLI
  2. Inside tailwind.config.js, add your Python source code directory to content
    /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
    module.exports = {
      content: ["./app/**/*.{py,html,js}"],
      theme: {
        extend: {},
      plugins: [],
  3. Add Tailwind CSS directives to your input CSS file
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
  4. Start Tailwind CLI build
    # Use just tailwindcss if you use CLI
    npx tailwindcss -i ./app/css/base.css -o ./app/static/style.css --watch
  5. If you are using Visual Studio Code, follow next steps to get Intellisense working

Code Configuration

Because Liku is not using HTML syntax, Tailwind CSS Intellisense does not work as expected. To fix this, add the following custom regex rule for Tailwind CSS plugin in your Code config:

  "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
    "[\"']class_[\"'] *: *[\"']([^\"']*)",